

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Treatment of recurrent stroke with modified CI therapy and KiNesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation therapy to improve upper limb function in the convalescent ward: A case study Takahiro Nishiyama 1 , Daisuke Ito 2 , Masayuki Dogan 1 , Kunitsugu Kondo 1 , Michiyuki Kawakami 2 1Tokyo Bay Rehabilitation Hospital 2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine Keyword: 脳梗塞 , CI療法 , 運動錯覚 , 回復期 , KiNvis , Stroke , CI therapy , Kinesthetic illusion , Convalescent pp.430-436
Published Date 2024/6/15
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It has been reported that CI therapy in combination with other therapies can have a significant therapeutic effect. KiNvis therapy is another therapy to improve brain plasticity. In the present study, a patient with moderate left hemiplegia due to cerebral infarction underwent upper limb functional training combined with modified CI therapy and KiNvis therapy in the convalescent. Modified CI therapy consisted of 3 hours of task-oriented training and transfer package for 3 weeks, and KiNvis therapy was given at the beginning of 20 minutes of voluntary training. Results showed improvement in SIAS-m, FMA-UE, and MAS, suggesting the usefulness of combining CI therapy with KiNvis therapy.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


