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要旨:訪問作業療法(以下,訪問OT)での活動・参加の促進は,個々の作業療法士(以下,OTR)が経験から築きあげた実践知に基づいていることが多い.OTRの語りからその実践知を体系化することを目的とし,訪問OT経験5年以上のOTR 9名にそれぞれインタビューを行い,語りを質的に分析した.結果,テーマ1「訪問OTの介入指針を持つ」,テーマ2「介入指針を関係性の文脈に乗せる」,テーマ3「活動・参加に向けた作業を導入する」の3つのテーマが得られた.これらのテーマから訪問OTの実践においては特に,訪問OTの介入指針を持ち,事例とOTRの関係性の文脈を把握したうえで作業を導入する関わりが重要であると考えられた.
Promoting activities and participation in home-visit occupational therapy (OT) is often based on the practical knowledge that individual occupational therapists (OTR) gain from their experiences. In order to systematize the OTR practical knowledge, we interviewed nine OTRs with more than five years of experience in home-visit OT and analyzed their narratives qualitatively. As a result, three central points emerged: intervention guidelines for home-visit OT; intervention guidelines in the context of the relationship between the patient and OTR; and introduction of tasks for activities and participation by the OTR. From these central points, we can conclude that intervention guidelines for home-visit OT and the context of the relationship between the patient and the OTR before introduction of work, are considered particularly important in the practice of home-visit OT.

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