

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Effects of occupational therapy on speech and social participation of a woman with mutism and long-term social withdrawal: A case study Izumi Mashimo 1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Aino University 2Southern Kyoto, Minami Yamashiro Gakuen, Social Welfare Corporation Keyword: ひきこもり , 場面緘黙 , 不安 , 社会参加 , 地域 , Social withdrawal , Selective mutism , Anxiety , Social participation , Community pp.79-86
Published Date 2021/2/15
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 This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of occupational therapy for mutism and social withdrawal. A woman with untreated selective mutism, who was socially withdrawn for about 20 years, was treated with occupational therapy for ten months mainly at her home. The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Japanese version (LSAS-J) was conducted during the intervention period. Results showed signs of social anxiety. First, the occupational therapist interacted with her non-verbally while creating handicrafts together without forcing her to speak, and then asked graded questions (i.e.;non-verbal communication, close- and open-ended questions) to promote communication. Additionally, the occupational therapist took her shopping to purchase materials for her craftwork, which she sold at bazaars which created opportunities for social interaction. Consequently, she could spontaneously speak and go out. Occupational therapy using activity as a treatment as well as gradual exposure to speaking were useful for reducing anxiety. In addition, communication through client's craftwork contributed to increase contact with society without direct contact with others. This suggests occupational therapy was useful for alleviating mutism and social withdrawal.

Copyright © 2021, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


