

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The impact of on-campus clinical clerkships on occupational therapy students: A mixed methods comprehensive study Reiko Miyamoto 1 , Yu Ishibashi 1 , Yoshinori Doi 2 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University 2Re-born Co Ltd (Career Transition Support Office) Keyword: 診療参加型実習 , 学内実習 , 作業療法学生 , 混合研究法 , 養成教育 , Clinical clerkship , Campus seminar , Occupational therapy student , Mixed methods research , Training education pp.21-33
Published Date 2021/2/15
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 The present study aims to examine the impact of on-campus clinical clerkships (CCS) on occupational therapy students using a mixed methods reseach. Significant quantitative improvements were observed in the ability of students to “learn from clinical educators” after CCS. No significant differences were observed in the students' feelings of anxiety and self-esteem between, before, and after the CCS. Qualitatively, CCS encouraged students to have a positive outlook on their clinical placement and futures as a result of the first experience of the triadic relationship with clients and clinical educators. On the other hand, students also experienced intensified anxiety as a result of multifaceted self-awareness. The results suggest the need to consider future involvement of clinical educators who have a strong influence on students, and to propose possible approaches to better prepare students for clinical placement with a focus on their resilience.

Copyright © 2021, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


