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要旨:知的障害児を育てる母親が,子育て上の心理的危機を乗り越えるための力である主体的な子育て意識の状態を明らかとする質問票の開発を目的に,設問項目の作成とその内容的妥当性を検証した.知的障害児の母親を調査対象とした予備的研究の結果から,母親が子育てへの自信を回復するうえで重要となる16個の概念に対応する設問51項目を独自に作成し,Delphi processに準拠して内容の妥当性を検討した.その結果,最終的に35項目が「同意」のコンセンサスを得たと判断された.本研究により,構成概念妥当性を検討するための設問項目が作成され,質問票開発の可能性が見出された.
We developed a questionnaire for clarifying the state of independent child-nurturing that was beneficial for mothers of mentally disabled children in overcoming the psychological crisis in childrearing. The question items were created, and the content validity was verified.
The 51 question items corresponding to 16 concepts that are important for mothers to regain confidence in childrearing were originally made from the preliminary research outcome that made mentally disabled childrens' mothers subjects of the investigation, and the validity of the content was examined in accordance with the Delphi process.
As a result, 35 items finally obtained the consensus of "Agreement".
The question items examining the construct validity were made by this research, and the possibility of questionnaire development was realized.
Copyright © 2009, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.