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要旨:手の浮腫・腫脹の測定法であるリングゲージ法と掌囲(中手骨頭レベルでの手の周径)法の信頼性と妥当性を明らかにした.健常成人40例80手を対象に,2人の検者がリングゲージ法,掌囲法,Figure of Eight法を2回測定した.信頼性は級内相関係数,妥当性はFigure of Eight法との相関係数を用いた.検者内信頼性のICC(1,1)はリングゲージ法が0.99,掌囲法が0.99,検者間信頼性のICC(2,1)はリングゲージ法が0.98,掌囲法が0.98〜0.99であった.Figure of Eight法との相関係数はリングゲージ法がr=0.76〜0.84,掌囲法がr=0.91〜0.94だった.リングゲージ法と掌囲法は信頼性と妥当性が高く手の周径法として使用可能な方法と考えた.
The purpose of this study was to examine reliability and validity of a Ring gauge and Metacarpal head tape measure methods of determining hand size. The study sample included 40 normal consenting volunteers. Two examiners measured each hand of each subject two times. In the second experiment, concurrent validity of the method of fitting the Ring gauge and Metacarpal head tape measure method were examined using Figure-of-eight method as the measure criterion. The intraclass correlation coefficients for intra-and interater reliability obtained were 0.99 and 0.98 of the Ring gauge method and Metacarpal head tape measure method. Pearson product-moment correlation values between the Ring gauge method and the Figure-of-eight method were 0.76 to 0.84. The Metacarpal head tape measure method and the Figure-of-eight method were 0.91 to 0.94. The Ring gauge method and Metacarpal head tape measure method demonstrated excellent reliability and concurrent validity compared with the Figure-of-eight method. These results support the application of the Ring gauge method and Metacarpal head tape measure method as a reliable and valid evaluation tool for the assessment of hand size.

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