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要旨:上肢の運動障害,失語,半側空間無視がない介護老人保健施設女性入所者65名にぬりえを行い,所要時間,完成の自覚の有無,作品の使用色数と着色部位(面)数,色数と面数の和を得点として分析項目とし,Clinical Dementia Rating(CDR)での0を正常群,0.5〜3を認知症群として2群に分け,統計的手法を用いて比較した.ぬりえ完成者は正常群で13名中13名,認知症群で52名中36名であり,ぬりえ未完成者はすべて認知症群であった.所要時間に両群の差はなく,色数および面数は正常群が有意に多く,得点も高かった.この結果からぬりえの認知症スクリーニングへの応用可能性が示唆された.
An exploratory study was made of the possibility of being able to apply coloring to screening for dementia. Sixty-five female residents of a geriatric health service facility, who had no problems with their upper extremities or fingers, were using the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), divided into 13 individuals (group without dementia, CDRO), and 52 individuals (group with dementia, CDRO.5-3), and items for the number of colors used in the subjects (number of colors), the number of surfaces colored (number of portions enclosed by black lines : number of surfaces), the sum of the number of colors and surfaces (score), time spent (time), and whether the subject was finished or not were compared. All unfinished were in the group with dementia. In finished, there was no difference in time for the 2 groups and the number of colors, number of surfaces, and scores were significantly higher for the group without dementia compared to the group with dementia, which suggested that the existence of dementia affected subjects.
Several topics remain for the future research, although the possibility that coloring subjects can be applied to screening for dementia has been suggested.

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