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要旨:在宅パーキンソン病患者と家族を対象に,転倒に関するアンケート調査を実施した.62名の患者から回答が得られ,Hoehn & Yahrの分類ではStage Ⅱ,Ⅲが中心であった.転倒率は67.7%であり,活動については歩行,起立,更衣時に転倒が多く,場所については居間,寝室,台所に多かった.住宅改修は浴室やトイレに多く実施されていたが,リハビリテーションスタッフの介入は少なかった.転倒に関する患者と家族の認識には,一部相違が認められた.パーキンソン病患者の転倒防止には,疾患の特徴をふまえた動作の修正,環境の調整,介助者への指導が必要であり,作業療法士の積極的な介入が必要と考えられた.
Using a questionnaire method, we investigated frequency and tendency of falls in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) in home. Answers were provided separately from 62 patients and their caregivers. Severity of patients was evaluated by Hoehn & Yahr Stage and were rated stage Ⅱ or Ⅲ. The frequency of falls was 67.7%. Events of falls occurred during walking, standing up, sitting down, and dressing. Falls in living rooms are most common, while falls in bathrooms and rest rooms are less common. Repairs of houses were conducted mainly in bathrooms and rest rooms, but most of these repairs were done without consultation with rehabilitation staff members. In addition, there were differences concerning recognition of falls between patients and caregivers. Since PD patients might fall even in their early stages, we believe that advise from rehabilitation staff members, especially from occupational therapists, was necessary for repairs of houses, improving their activity of daily living and instructions for their caregivers.

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