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This Paper describes restoration of upper extremity function in a C6A quadriplegic using functional electrical stimulation (FES). In this patient, pronation of the forearm was required for achieving hand tasks provided by the FES-controlled grasp. To realize volitional control for rotation of the forearm without applying control command of FES for pronation, the percutaneous intramuscular electrode was implanted in the pronator quadratus, for which the sustained electrical stimulation (bias-FES) was applied. He performed in order to rotate the forearm with a combination of volitional supination and a continuous contraction of the paralyzed pronator quadratus that was activated with bias-FES. As a result, he could achieve the feeding, drinking and writing with volitional forearm rotation via bias FES. For evaluation of the effect of the bias-FES, we analyzed the abduction angle of the shoulder joint and rotation angle of the forearm during the feeding with only self-care devices and those during FES-controlled feeding by a three-dimensional motion analyzer system. The FES-controlled feeding contributed to minimize shoulder abduction that was used for pronating the forearm during feeding with self-care devices. In the FES-controlled drinking, he could hold a cup tightly and drink a cup of water directly without a straw. In the FES-controlled writing, he could write smaller letters, which were easy to read because he could hold a pen tightly and his forearm could be stabilized on the desk in pronation. We concluded that bias-FES for the forearm rotation with hand tasks provided by the FES-controlled grasp was feasible and usuful.

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