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要旨:脳性麻痺児67名の脳卒中上肢機能検査(MFT)結果と上肢の運動年齢検査(MAT)結果とを比較し,MATによる上肢機能評価をMFTにより代替可能であるかを検討した.またS-M社会生活能力検査(S-M検査)から抜粋した移動活動を除いた上肢機能を要するBasic ADLに関連した項目の自立の程度とMFS(MFTによる評価スコア)とを比較し,MFT結果からADLの自立度を推定できるかを検討した.結果:上肢運動年齢とMFSとの間に強い相関関係が認められた.またS-M検査でBasic ADLの各動作が自立している者としてない者との平均MFSが有意な差を示し,移動活動を除いた上肢機能を要するBasic ADLの完全自立の目安としてMFS80〜85が導かれた.
The aims of this study were to know whether 1) Manual Function Test (MFT) was useful to measure the upper extremity function of children with cerebral palsy, and 2) whether we could estimate basic ADL independence from Manual Function Score (MFS).
Methods : We carried out MFT, Motor Age Test (MAT) and Social Maturity Scale(S-M test) on 67 children with cerebral palsy, except the hemiplegic type, who were admitted to institutions for physically disabled children and compared their results.
Results: MFS of the subjects were correlated with motor age of the upper extremity(r = 0.92, y = 17.5 + 1.15x). In each sub-test of middle items within the MFT, the average MFS of subjects, who were able to accomplish the sub-test, were higher than the average MFS of the subjects who could not accomplish the test. Items that were classified as related to basic ADL, which were extracted from the "Self Help" section of S-M test, were compared. Results showed that the average MFS of the subjects who became independent was significantly higher than that of subjects who didn't become independent at each Basic ADL.
Discussion: It was suggested that the MFT was useful for children of cerebral palsy except for the hemiplegic type. MFS was above 80~85 for subjects with good ability of upper extremity function, resulting in complete independence in basic ADL.

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