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要旨:この調査研究の目的は,阪神・淡路大震災が在宅虚弱・障害老人に与えた影響を知ることにあった.我々は対象者宅を直接訪問し,日常生活活動能力(Barthel Index)と社会的機能(ESCROW Profile)を調査した.対象者を一人暮らしの独居群と家族と同居する同居群に分けて比較したところ,独居群は常に同居群より高い日常生活活動能力を示し,同居群は常に高い社会的機能を有していた.しかし,ESCROW Profileを補正(家族構成の項目を除外)した場合は,独居群と同居群の高低が逆転した.これらのことから,独居群は高い潜在能力を有していることが暗示され,両群の特徴を知る必要性と今後の災害時における医療従事者の留意すべき点が示唆された.
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the differences of activities in daily living (ADL) and social function of the aged fragile and handicapped subjects living alone and with family before, immediately after, half a year, and one year after the quake. Having received home help service once or twice a week from Kobe Welfare Promotion Association, 117 aged subjects were divided into two groups; one group consisted of 54 "living alone (LA)" (13 men and 41 women, mean age (± 1SD) : 81.2 ± 8.1 years; range in age from 55 to 93 years) and the other of 63 "living with family (LF)" subjects (17 men and 46 women, mean age (±1SD) : 79. 7 ± 7. 8 years ; range in age from 55 to 93 years). At the time of both half a year and one year after the onset of the quake, occupational and physical therapists, nurses, a doctor, and trained student volunteers called on each of them and asked about ADL on the basis of the Barthel Index (BI) and social function of ESCROW Profile (EP). In comparison with both BI and EP between the groups, a significant difference was found in LA by Mann-Whitney's U-test. This clearly showed that LA demonstrated more independent ADL and lower social function. In modified EP without subitem C as cluster of family members, higher social function of LA was presented. This investigation suggests that medical staffs should lay greater weight on social supports to the aged fragile and handicapped subjects in case of various disasters.

Copyright © 1998, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.