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The porpose of this paper is to discuss the therapeutic meaning of the occupational therapy structure in terms of transitional objects as defined by D. W. Winnicott. Two case studies of borderline personality disorders are briefly presented and discussed to illustrate the adaptive-regressive and progressive processes which are facilitated and supported by the holding environments of occupational therapy. The following are significant contributions of the occupational therapy process which may help the BPD integrate and develop his chaotic object relations.
1. The occupational therapy setting can provide a good-enough holding environment in terms of selection of activities and therapeutic relationship, which may facilitate clients' omnipotent illusion of self, objects, and therapist, leading to more adaptive regression rather than to more maladaptive and/or defensive regression.
2. An intrinsic quality of the non-human environment of the occupational therapy setting provides a context in which the client may act freely, yet be restricted to such a degree that transitional objects become a bridge between illusion and reality, me and not-me, omnipotency and creativity, and so on.
3. The crafts produced in occupational therapy, such as coffee cups and leather purses in this case, seems to facilitate the client's identification process with soothing transitional objects, which Horton defines as the transitional relatedness of an ongoing developmental process for a healthy object relationship throughout one's life.
Copyright © 1995, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.