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要旨:今回,障害者に対する態度の背景にある動機づけや感情を評価する尺度(Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale)の日本版(以下,IDP-J)を作成し,信頼性・妥当性を検討した.尺度翻訳にはデュアルパネル法を用いた.完成したIDP-Jを用いて168名の保健医療系学生に調査を実施し,120名の有効回答でラッシュモデル分析を行った結果,評定尺度構造は適切であることが示された.テスト項目難度値は対象者の能力推定値よりも広範囲に分布し,回答能力を十分評価しうることが明らかになった.また適合統計量の結果から内的尺度妥当性が確認された.信頼性は,内的整合性と対象者分別信頼性は十分ではないが,項目分別信頼性は高いことが明らかとなった.
The purpose of this study was to develop the Japanese version of the Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale (IDP-J), which assesses the effect of motivation and emotions on individuals' attitudes toward disabled persons, and to examine its reliability and validity. In this study, a new method called the “dual panel methodologies” was used for translation from English to Japanese. We researched the attitudes of the healthcare students (n=168) toward disabled persons using the completed IDP-J. Next, the IDP-J was analyzed using the Rasch Measurement Model (n=120). The results showed that the structure of the rating scale was appropriate. The degree of difficulty of the test items varied widely throughout the estimated ability levels of the subjects, and this indicates that this scale could fully assess the ability of the subjects to answer the items. Moreover, the results of the fit statistics showed the internal validity of the scale. Item separation reliability was high. However, internal consistency and person separation reliability were not sufficient.

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