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要旨:実用的な上衣の着衣には,動作の可否だけでなく,着衣に要する時間も関わる.本研究の目的は動画撮影した健常成人の上衣着衣の所要時間の測定を行い,その検者間・検者内信頼性を明らかにすることである.着衣の動画は,健常成人22名を対象に,前開きシャツの着衣を撮影した.所要時間の測定は,検者3名がその動画をみて計測した.分析は,Intraclass Correlation Coefficient(以下,ICC),Bland Altman分析を用いた.検者間・検者内のICCは0.90以上であった.Bland Altman分析では,系統誤差は認めなかった.これらのことから着衣の所要時間測定は,良好な検者間・検者内信頼性がある.
Putting on a shirt presents difficulty for patients with compromised fine motor skills. The objective of this study is to clarify the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the measured time in putting on a buttoned shirt. In our study, the dressing behaviors of 22 healthy participants were recorded by a video camera. For the measurement, three examiners independently observed the taped films using a stopwatch and measured the time from putting a subject's arm into a sleeve to putting buttons in the correct buttonholes. For statistical analyses, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Bland Altman method were used. ICC (2, 1), ICC (1, 1),and ICC (1, 3) was found to be 0.94, 0.95, and 0.98, respectively. Bland Altman method showed no systematic error. The measurement of the time required for putting on the shirt might guarantee a high inter-rater and intra-rater reliability.
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