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要旨:本研究は,脳卒中患者におけるトイレ動作自立判定のためのdual task stepping testの検者間,検者内信頼性を検討することを目的とした.入院中の脳卒中患者20例のdual task stepping testを検者4名(臨床経験:1,2,3,13年目)で評価し,またうち2名(臨床経験:1,13年目)の検者は1週間後に同様の対象者に再評価を行った.その結果から算出されたFleissのκ係数,Cohenのκ係数は高値であり,検者間,検者内ともに高い信頼性が示された.本評価は30秒間で実施できるものであり,脳卒中患者のトイレ動作自立判定を目的に,臨床において普及できる評価であると考える.
The aim of this study was to examine the inter-examiner and intra-examiner reliability of the dual-task stepping test for determining the independence of toileting in stroke patients. The dual-task stepping test in 20 hospitalized stroke patients was evaluated by 4 examiners (years in clinical practice: 1, 2, 3, and 13 years). One week later, 2 of the examiners (years in clinical practice: 1 and 13 years) re-evaluated the same patients. The Fleiss κ coefficient and Cohen κ coefficient calculated from the results had high values, which indicated high reliability both between and within the examiners. The evaluation was carried out in 30 seconds and is considered a clinical evaluation that could be promoted for the purpose of determining toileting independence of stroke patients.

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