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要旨:重度ALS患者30名の依頼要求の要因を明らかにする目的で,呼び出し回数,対応総数と自己身体感,性格傾向,不安感についてBIAT,Big Five,STAIを用い分析した.その結果,ボディイメージの低下,情緒不安定,不安傾向を認めた.重回帰分析から因子分析の4要素を含む,対応総数/h=1.75+(0.03×情緒安定性)+(0.04×外向性)+(-0.13×身体コントロール感の低下)+(0.03×身体カセクシスの混乱)が臨床的と思われた.以上より,情緒不安定,不安傾向を改善すべきであるが,特に情緒安定性が高く外向性で身体コントロール感が良好なほど繰り返し依頼要求は多く,在宅生活の安定維持には負担軽減への慎重な対応が必要と考えられた.
This study investigated factors contributing to repeated requests by 30 patients with severe ALS. The reasons for the frequency of calls for help, the total number of responses to the calls and how they are related to the patient's level of bodily function, character type, and anxiety level were analyzed using BIAT, Big Five, and STAI. Generally, poor bodily function, emotional instability, and tendency towards anxiety were examined. A simple multiple regression analysis (total number of responses/h=1.66+(0.05×emotional stability N)) was carried out, but total number of responses/h=1.75+(0.03×emotional stability N)+(0.04×extraversion E)+(-0.13×reduced feeling of body control)+(0.03×confusion of physical cathexis) revealed that 4 factors identified by factor analysis may be clinically suitable. Based on these findings, improving emotional state and tendency towards anxiety may be necessary. Emotionally stable, extroverted patients with higher level of bodily function tended to make repeated requests, for which careful responses to reduce their burden was necessary to maintain domestic stability.

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