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脳血管障害や外傷性脳損傷などにより生じる高次脳機能障害は,社会復帰を阻害する大きな要因となるため,認知リハビリテーションが実施される.認知リハビリテーションは従来,セラピストの経験則で行われてきたが,近年では認知リハビリテーションの治療技術に関するシステマティックレビューによりエビデンスが明らかとなっている1, 2).また,急性期・回復期においては高次脳機能障害例に対する認知リハビリテーションの報告は複数存在する.一方,本邦では慢性期の高次脳機能障害例への十分な認知リハビリテーションが実施された報告はきわめて少ない.
Abstract Few reports have yet investigated adequate cognitive rehabilitation for patients with chronic cognitive disorder. In this report, we describe a case of cognitive rehabilitation 10 months after onset of cerebral infarction in the right middle cerebral artery region, resulting in a good outcome. The patient was a 44-year-old right-handed male, with primary symptoms of inattention and left hemispatial neglect. The patient had not undergone any neuropsychological evaluations or cognitive rehabilitation until 10 months after disease onset. After 30 days of both direct attention training and metacognitive strategy training, including time pressure management, improvement of his cognitive disorder was achieved. The teaching of internal methods to improve metacognition with a high level of evidence was effective even 10 months after onset. Furthermore, it is important for therapists who provide cognitive rehabilitation using metacognitive strategy training to understand patients' remaining functions based on neuropsychological assessment, and to consider and teach compensatory methods so that they can be effectively used by patients in situations of daily life.

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