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脳血管障害患者の加療を行ううえで適切な嚥下評価を行うことは,患者のQOLを向上させ,誤嚥性肺炎の予防にもつながる.しかし,当院における嚥下評価は精密機器を用いない評価者の主観的評価にもとづいた定性的評価にとどまることが多く,より客観的な定量的評価の実施は少なかった.今回われわれは当院入院中の脳血管障害患者に対し嚥下造影を行い,定量的評価方法としてビデオ解析を用いた時間的解析法を使用し,口腔通過時間(oral transit time:OTT),喉頭挙上遅延時間(laryngeal elevation delay time:LEDT)を測定して脳血管疾患の嚥下障害の特徴を明らかにした.
It has been suggested that assessing dysphagia appropriately may improve the quality of life for patients with brain infarctions and at the same time prevent them developing pneumonia. This study is one of the first to develop an objective quantitative analysis of dysphagia. Between August 1, 2014, and July 31, 2016, we performed videofluoroscopic assessments of oral stage delays (oral transit time: OTT) and pharyngeal stage delays (laryngeal elevation delay time: LEDT) in the swallowing performance of one group of 22 patients who experienced a brain infarction for the first time, and another group of healthy controls. We found that the patients had significantly longer LEDT than controls, but the two groups did not differ significantly in OTT. Our results suggest that LEDT may be a useful indicator of pharyngeal stage delays in patients recovering from dysphagia and may be important for planning their swallowing rehabilitation.

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