

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Difficulty in expressing the passive voice for a Japanese child with specific language impairment Kenji Kobayashi 1 , Ryusaku Hashimoto 1 , Mina Ono 2,3 , Eiko Tamashige 1 , Satoko Imai 1 1Department of Communication Disorders, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2Department of Rehabilitation, Hokuyukai Neurological Hospital 3Department of Speech and Hearing therapy, Health Science University of Hokkaido Hospital Keyword: 特異的言語障害 , 受動態 , 被動作主 , specific language impairment , passive voice , recipient pp.321-328
Published Date 2014/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.6001200013
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 We report on the case of a Japanese girl aged 13 years and 9 months with specific language impairment. Her non-verbal intelligence was normal. Her receptive language was relatively intact, whereas her expressive language was impaired. The feature of her disorder was difficulty in converting active voice sentences to passive voice. To prompt her to use passive voice, we conducted a language expression task using two different types of instructions. During the task, she was shown drawings of a scene depicting two people, e.g. a boy chasing a girl. For the sentence completion condition, we told her the recipient (patient) and the subjective case postpositional particle "ga," e.g. "a girl-ga," meaning "a girl is," and then required her to complete the sentence representing the content of the drawing. For the empathy condition, we encouraged her to be aware of the recipient's feeling:"please first imagine the recipient's point of view and then describe the drawing." The percentage of correct responses was significantly higher in the empathy condition (76.5%) than that in the sentence completion condition (52.9%). We speculated that the instructions in the empathy condition helped her to clarify the direction of the action between the two people. Furthermore, the use of this strategy encouraged her to use the passive voice by evoking past personal memories similar to those depicted in the drawings.

Copyright © 2014, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1349-5828 日本言語聴覚士協会


