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We investigated changes in self-evaluation regarding the practical use of information (PUI) between pre and post clinical practicum in 104 students in our university's department of speech-language and hearing therapy. Among the 6 PUI subscores, the self-evaluation score of information collection ability was significantly higher after the practicum, while the self-evaluation score of expressive/creative ability was significantly lower after the practicum. In the group of students rated with higher scores for their positive attitude during the practicum by the clinical supervisor, the students' self-evaluation score of information collection ability was significantly higher after the practicum. In contrast, in the group of students rated to have higher ability for diagnosis and synthesis of findings by the supervisor, their self-evaluation score of expressive ability was significantly lower after the practicum. Our results suggested that the students evaluated themselves to have become better at actively collecting relevant information after the practicum. However, they found it difficult to interpret and diagnose the client's problems from the items of information collected and the results of the assessment.

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