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原発性進行性失語(primary progressive aphasia:以下,PPA)を発症し,診断後2年間経過観察した症例を経験した.家事や車の運転は可能で,認知症は認めず,失語以外に特に問題を認めなかった.失語症状としては,音韻性の錯語と錯書,および聴覚的言語把持力の低下を認め,伝導失語を呈していた.SPECTでは,左縁上回から左上側頭回の比較的限局した血流低下を認めた.2年の経過で失語症状の悪化および血流低下部位の広がりを認めたが,失語型は維持されていた.野菜の販売店に勤務しているが,可能な範囲で仕事も継続可能であった.
We report a case of primary progressive aphasia (PPA), who presented conduction aphasia consistently for two years. She had neither dementia nor other neurological deficits except for aphasia. She showed phonological paraphasia, paragraphia, and reduced short-term auditory verbal memory, which supported the diagnosis of conduction aphasia. An MRI scan showed localized cortical atrophy of the left temporal lobe and SPECT revealed a reduction of the regional blood flow at the left supramarginal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus. Although the severity of her aphasia and the size of affected region increased during the follow-up period of two years, the type of aphasia did not change and symptoms of dementia were not observed. She is still independent in her daily life. Whereas careful observation is necessary, as memory or other higher brain functions may deteriorate in the future, adequate advice and guidance by trained professionals such as speech-language-hearing therapists is useful for preserving social activities in some PPA patients, as in the present case. Guidance of the people surrounding PPA patients is also important for maintaining the level of their quality of life (QOL).

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