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“Logopenic”型は,Gorno-Tempiniら1)が,それまで認められていた原発性進行性失語(primary progressive aphasia:PPA)の2つの亜型である進行性非流暢型失語[Gorno-Tempiniら1)の論文では“nonfluent progressive aphasia:NFPA”であるが,“progressive nonfluent aphasia:PNFA”と呼ばれることのほうが多いので以下PNFAとする]と意味性認知症(semantic dementia:SD)に加えて,PPAの第3の亜型として新たに提唱した分類である。
ところで,この“logopenic”という耳慣れない命名はどこから来たのであろうか。かなり大きな英和辞典を繙いてみても“logopenic”や“logopenia”という項目はみあたらない。語源的には,“logo-”はギリシャ語の“lógos”由来で“言葉(word)”や“言語(speech)”の意の連結形,“-penia”はギリシャ語の“penía”由来で“~の不足,欠乏(deficiency of)”の意の名詞連結形である。“logopenic”を「発話遅延型」と訳す例もみられる4)が,「遅延」とは少々意味が異なるようである。
“Logopenic”とか“logopenia”という用語を,進行性失語の記述に初めに使ったのはMesulam5)で,有名な“slowly progressive aphasia without generalized dementia”の論文中である。なんとここで報告された6名中4名の患者に“logopenia”が認められたとある。“logopenia”を呈した4例についてMesulam5)は,「発話は“logopenic”で,遅く,努力性で,喚語のためのポーズが長く,錯語は稀であった」と記述している。明らかに「遅い」とは別の概念であることが窺われる。
The logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia [also referred to as logopenic progressive aphasia (LPA)] is the most recently identified variant of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). This disorder,characterized by a unique speech and language profile,occurs due to damage to specific anatomical areas. An international panel of experts has established a set of diagnostic criteria for PPA and its clinical variants. The clinical diagnostic criteria for the logopenic variant include core features such as impaired single-word retrieval in spontaneous speech and impaired repetition of sentences and phrases. Additional features,of which at least 3 are essential for diagnosing the logopenic variant,include phonological errors in speech,spared single-word comprehension and object knowledge,spared motor speech,and lack of frank agrammatism. For a next imaging-supported diagnosis,the aforementioned clinical features must be accompanied by imaging findings revealing atrophy,hypoperfusion,or hypometabolism in the left temporo-parietal junction area. Finally,a pathology-confirmed case of the logopenic variant requires a clinical diagnosis of the syndrome accompanied by histopathological data or the presence of a known pathogenic mutation. Studies have clarified the clinical phenotype of this disorder,suggesting a prominent impairment of the phonological working memory. Several studies have provided evidences of a possible link between the logopenic phenotype and the specific pathological and genetic correlates. The diagnostic guidelines will enable a more accurate identification of the individuals with the logopenic variant,thus facilitating the documentation of the course of illness and,ultimately,the underlying pathological substrate in this patient group via the pathology-confirmed series.

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