

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Voice exercise using the masking method for cognitively impaired patients Yoshihiro Watanabe 1 , Michiko Tsuchiya 2 1Department of Advanced and Restorative Medicine, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology 2Department of Audiology and Logopedics I, Japan College of Rehabilitation and Welfare Professionals Keyword: マスキング法 , Lombard効果 , 認知機能低下 , 声の大きさ , 音声治療 , masking method , Lombard effect , cognitive impairment , loudness , voice exercise pp.134-141
Published Date 2010/7/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.6001100248
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 The masking method, which is a voice training method using the Lombard effect, was attempted in two patients with voice disorders accompanied by significant cognitive impairment due to cerebrovascular disease, etc. Although they engaged in simple conversations, obvious decrease in the vocal loudness was noted for both patients. As it was difficult for them to understand even simple directions, widely-used training methods such as the accent method, etc. were not feasible. Therefore, the following modifications of the ordinary masking method were attempted:1.Observe the increase in the vocal loudness while they are hearing white noise at 95dBSPL with headphones;2.Reduce the noise volume and fix the increased vocal loudness at the volume which can be maintained;and 3.Continue free conversation under this condition for approximately 15 minutes. The vocal loudness increased only under the noise at the beginning in both patients. After a few days, they became able to maintain the increased vocal loudness for a short period of time when the white was noise switched off, and the vocal loudness was eventually stabilized in their daily life. Considering the immediacy effects, it was thought that the modified method had effectively contributed to this increase in vocal loudness. It seemed that the Lombard effect was successfully achieved probably because their intension of communication was relatively maintained.

Copyright © 2010, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1349-5828 日本言語聴覚士協会


