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We conducted a cognitive neuropsychological analysis of two cases of aphasia following a cerebrovascular accident, who tended to make lexicalization errors in oral reading when presented with one kana character (a phonogram) at a time. We suspected that these two cases differed in their language processing mechanisms based on the difference in their processes of grapheme-to-phoneme conversion. So in this study, we presented them with the tasks of oral reading of non-words and incomplete kana words in addition to oral reading of single kana characters, writing kana characters to dictation, and auditory recognition of single kana characters. We analyzed their responses to hypothesize the underlying mechanisms. Although the two cases seemed to present similar symptoms, findings suggested that after visual recognition of the kana, one case lexicalized based on its visual form, while another lexicalized based on its phonological form after converting the kana phonologically, indicating that their symptoms depend on different underlying mechanisms in reading.

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