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漢字の読み書き障害のある小学校3年男児に対して,支援技術(assistive technology:AT)を使った支援を5か月間行ったところ,心理面での改善が認められたので報告する.これまでの読み書き障害児の症例報告では,読字あるいは書字という障害そのものへのアプローチが多い.しかし,読み書き障害は生涯を通じて残るのであるから,自尊感情の保持向上こそが重要であるとすると,コミュニケーション分野におけるAAC(augmentative and alternative communication)のような,障害の補助・代替という支援も考えられる.本症例では,テキストリーダーソフトによって読字の困難さを聴覚的に補助し,ワープロの漢字変換によって漢字の書字困難を代替した.支援前後の心理状態を学童用Y-G性格検査を使って測定したところ,支援前に認められた情緒不安定性が支援後には改善していた.ATを使った支援は,読み書き障害児の心理面での改善に有効であることが示唆された.
This case report describes the improvement in self-esteem as a result of a five-month training program using assistive technology for a third grade boy with developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia. Previous reports of developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia usually dealt directly with children's reading and/or writing impairments. However, since dyslexia and dysgraphia tend to persist despite this approach, it is of primary importance to preserve the child's self-esteem, and an alternative approach using assistive technology to compensate for reading and writing difficulties should be considered. For this case study, a text-reader was used for reading difficulty and a word processor was used for writing difficulty. The comparison of the results of Yatabe-Guilford Personality Test for Children administered before and after the training showed an improvement in emotional stability. This finding suggests that training with assistive technology could be an effective method for improving self-esteem of children with dyslexia and dysgraphia.

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