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The patient in this case study had difficulty with repeating non-words and words that form a series such as numerals and days of the week, although the patient's repetition of monosyllables and real words was not affected. The patient was a 69-year-old right-handed female with a subcortical hemorrhage in the left temporoparietal lobe. Neurophychological and neurological examinations revealed no abnormal signs other than fluent-type aphasia. Her repetition was characterized by the changing of non-words into real words, and the replacement of some items in a sequence of numerals or days of the week with other numerals or days of the week. We speculate that the underlying the mechanism for her repetition disorder is analogous to one of the mechanisms assumed for "deep dysphasia", namely, too much reliance on the semantic route via the lexicon and semantic representation in accessing the phonological output systems.

Copyright © 2007, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.