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胃外発育型gastrointestinal stromal tumor(以下,GIST)に対して,Endo-Catch®を用いた腹腔鏡下切除を施行したので報告する.患者は58歳,男性,胃穹窿部に径40mm大の腫瘍を認め,胃粘膜下腫瘍と診断し手術を施行した.手術では,胃穹窿部漿膜面に連続した胃外発育型の腫瘍を認め,Endo-Catch®を用いて腫瘍を包み込み,surgical marginを確保し,Endo-GIA universal® 45mmを用いて,胃部分切除術を施行した.腫瘍は45×33×40mm大で,病理組織学的検査ではCD34陽性,c-kit陽性を示し,胃GIST(uncommitted type)と診断された.術後経過は良好で,術後9日目に退院し,現在も無再発生存中である.
We report a case of exogastric-growth-type gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) resected by laparoscopic surgery using the Endo-Catch. A 58-year-old man was diagnosed with a submucosal tumor of the stomach based on an upper gastrointestinal series during a medical checkup. We perfomed laparoscopic surgery for a preoperative diagnosis of GIST of the stomach and used an Endo-Catch® during the operation to prevent dissemination of tumor cells.

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