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症例は15歳,女性.甲状腺右葉の腫瘍に対して,穿刺吸引細胞診を繰り返して行い,悪性濾胞性腫瘍を疑われたため手術治療を選択した.吊り上げ法による細径器具を用いたvideo-assisted thyroidectomyを施行した.甲状腺右葉切除術に要した手術時間は145分,出血量は15mlであった.術中,術後の合併症も認めず,術後4日目に退院した.術創は小さく,また衣類で隠れるため,患者および両親の満足度はきわめて良好であった.病理組織は異型腺腫であった.本法は手術侵襲が小さく,特に若年女性に対する美容的配慮からも推奨される術式と考えられる.
We performed video-assited thyroidectomy in a young woman with a benign thyroid tumor using miniature endoscopic instruments. A 15-year old girl with a thyroid nodule was refered to our hospital. The tumor was highly suspected of a malignant follicular tumor by repeated fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology. We applied the gas-less lifting method with a very minimal wound described by Shimizu et al. Hemithyroidectomy took 145 min, and blood loss was only 15 ml. Histopathological findings of the resected specimen revealed an atypical adenoma of the thyroid gland. There were no intra and postoperative complications.

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