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Traumatic abdominal wall hernia (TAWH) is a rare injury and only few cases have been reported that was treated by laparoscopic surgery. We report a patient with TAWH who underwent emergency laparoscopic repair just after the fall accident. A 63-year-old man had fallen off from a 1-meter-high stepladder and hit his left upper abdomen with an iron pipe. Immediately he noticed the bulging of the injured site with local pain and was transferred to the emergency department in our hospital. The abdominal computed tomography revealed disruptions of the muscles of the left upper abdomen and a part of ileum herniated in the subcutaneous space through the muscular defect. The emergency laparoscopy revealed incarceration of the small bowel. Reduction of the hernia and repair of the muscular defect were performed laparoscopically by suturing the muscles layer to layer and the peritoneum. The patient recovered uneventfully and was discharged on postoperative day 13. The emergency laparoscopic surgery for TAWH was feasible and useful for both therapeutic modalities and diagnostic measures to investigate the associated intraabdominal injury.

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