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◆要旨:患者は71歳,女性.下部直腸癌に対して腹腔鏡下腹会陰式直腸切断術を施行した.術後会陰部の創感染と尿路感染を認めたが,保存的治療にて軽快した.術後8か月目に会陰部の膨隆を自覚した.立位で会陰部に手拳大の膨隆を認め,腹臥位で還納された.腹部CT検査では骨盤底部から会陰部に脱出する小腸を認めた.続発性会陰ヘルニアと診断した.腹腔鏡下にて腹腔内を観察すると,骨盤底に4×4cmのヘルニア門を認めた.VENTRIOTM Hernia Patchを用いて修復術を行った.術後1年経過するも明らかな再発は認めていない.続発性会陰ヘルニアに対する腹腔鏡下ヘルニア修復術は,有用な治療のオプションになりうると考えられた.
A 71-year-old woman underwent laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection(APR) for rectal cancer. Perineal wound and urinary infections occurred but they were controlled by conservative treatment. Eight months after APR, the patient complained of perineal bulge at standing position. An abdominal computed tomography(CT) examination showed eventration of the small intestine from the pelvis to the subcutis of the perineum, and thus the diagnosis of secondary perineal hernia was made. She underwent laparoscopic hernia repair using VENTRIOTM Hernia Patch. The hernia has not recurred 1 year after the operation. Laparoscopic repair is a good treatment choice for secondary perineal hernia.

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