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◆要旨:[目的]腹腔鏡下子宮筋腫核出術におけるin-bag morcellation(IBM)の手技を検討し,手術成績について従来のuncontained morcellation (uncontained)と比較した.[対象・方法]IBM50例とuncontained50例を対象とし,回収バッグにリトリーバルシステムを使用した.[結果]モルセレーションの時間はIBM群がuncontained群より約5分延長していた(15.5分 vs 10.9分; P=0.01).IBM群では全例でバッグの損傷や組織の飛散は認めなかった.[結論]リトリーバルシステムを用いたIBMは再現性が高く,安全に施行しうると思われた.
[Purpose] The aim of this study was to evaluate techniques for in-bag morcellation at the time of laparoscopic myomectomy and to compare operative outcomes between uncontained and in-bag morcellation. [Method] The study consisted of 50 patients who underwent in-bag morcellation and 50 uncontained morcellation. In this technique the retrieval was conducted in the typical fashion. [Result] The mean morcellation time was prolonged about 5 minutes with in-bag morcellation(15.5 vs 10.9; P=0.01). There were no cases of visible bag disruption or dissemination of uterine tissue in the group of in-bag morcellation. [Conclusion] We believe that in-bag morcellation with a retrieval system is a highly reproducible and safe technique.

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