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◆要旨:患者は53歳の男性.泌尿器科での腎腫瘍精査時に脾腫瘤を指摘され,精査目的にて入院となった.腹部CT検査にて脾臓下極に径6cm大,辺縁部に造影効果を伴う境界明瞭な腫瘤を認めた.また,FDG-PET検査にて腫瘤と一致した異常集積部を認め,悪性疾患が否定できなかったため,腹腔鏡下脾臓摘出術を施行した.病理組織学的検査では非常に稀な疾患であるsclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation ; SANTと診断された.本症に対する腹腔鏡下脾臓摘出術は低侵襲であり,有用であると考えられた.
A-53-year-old man admitted for examination of a splenic tumor found in a close examination for renal tumor in urology. Abdominal CT revealed a solid tumor with a clear margin 6cm in diameter having a contrast-enhanced border in the lower part of the spleen. Because we were not able to rule out that the tumor with high FDG accumulation on FDG-PET was malignant disease, we conducted laparoscopic splenectomy. The solid tumor was diagnosed as a very rare tumor, sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation(SANT)in histopathological examination. Laparoscopic splenectomy for SANT is considered as a minimally invasive and useful treatment.

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