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sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation(SANT)は赤脾髄由来の腫瘤形成性のまれな非腫瘍性血管性病変であり,術前診断が難しく悪性腫瘍との鑑別が問題になる。これまでにいくつかのSANTに特徴的な画像所見が報告されており,SANTを考慮する手がかりとなる。今回我々は,画像所見において脾SANTの特徴的な病理学的所見を反映した1例を経験したため,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する。
Sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation(SANT)is a rare benign disease of the spleen of unknown origin. Recently, in addition to a spoke–wheel pattern on dynamic studies, many reports have described the imaging characteristics of SANT. It is essential to be aware of complex imaging findings, including those by CT, MRI, and FDG–PET/CT, for characteristic features of SANT. These findings combined with the absence of malignant characteristics, such as metastasis, provide clues to considering a diagnosis of SANT.

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