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今回,成人鼠径ヘルニア両側三度目の再発症例に対して腹腔内観察を併用した腹膜外腔アプローチTEP(totally extraperitoneal preperitoneal repair)法を施行した.何度も再発を繰り返す症例は,再発形式の確認と後壁脆弱部位の広範囲修復が可能な腹腔鏡下手術が第1選択となりうると思われる.特に本症例のように三度目の両側再発ヘルニアでは,腹腔内からの観察を併用したTEPが有用であると考える.パッチはmigrationやrollingを起こす可能性が少ないこと,また後壁脆弱部位の広範囲修復が必要で,外側下方の固定がなくても強固に後壁脆弱部位を被覆できることから形状記憶リングを持つKugel patchを使用した.
We performed the TEP(totally extraperitoneal preperitoneal repair)method combined with using observation of the abdominal cavity for the third recurrence of the bilateral direct hernia in an adult. It seems that Lap-Hernia is the best operational method for repeating recurrence of hernias to confirm the form of recurrence and to repair weak posterior wall. We feel that TEP in combination with observation of the abdominal cavity is very useful in cases like this. We used the Kugel patch in this patient because it has a shape-memory ring dicreases possibility of the migration and rolling. It can cover the weak posterior wall extensively without strong fixation of the outside lower part.

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