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Laparoscopic repair of a Morgagni hernia using the Composix Mesh : a case report Eiji HIROOKA 1 , Yoshihide OTANI 1 , Akihiro YASUMOTO 1 , Takahiro TORII 1 , Nozomi SHINOZUKA 1 , Isamu KOYAMA 1 1Department of Surgery, Saitama Medical University Hospital Keyword: Morgagni孔ヘルニア , Composix Mesh , 腹腔鏡下手術 pp.657-662
Published Date 2007/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.4426100125
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 Morgagni hernia is a rare type of diaphragmatic hernia, which accounts for 1~3%of all diaphragmatic hernias. A 47-year-old woman who had a dyspnea on effort was referred to our hospital as a diaphragmatic hernia. Chest X-ray, CT, MRI and barium enema were effective diagnostic modalities. At laparoscopy, the patient was placed in a supine, modified lithotomy position. The operator inserted the camera port above the umbilicus with a 12 mm incision, and insufflated CO2 gas into the abdominal cavity at low pressure(6 mmHg). A 4×3 cm oval shaped defect on the right side and a 1×1 cm small defect on the left side were recognized in the anterior aspect of the diaphragm, the transverse colon and part of the omentum were herniated through the right side defect.

 After inserting three working ports into the abdomen, the herniated organs were replaced into the abdominal cavity, and a 10.2×15.2 cm BardComposix Mesh was placed over the defect and fixed to diaphragm using a hernia stapler(DavolSalutefixation System)without resecting the hernia sac. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the sixth postoperative day. This technique is easy, safe, curative and minimal invasive to repair Morgagni hernia, therefore should be considered as the first line approach.

Copyright © 2007, JAPAN SOCIETY FOR ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2186-6643 印刷版ISSN 1344-6703 日本内視鏡外科学会


