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集中治療後症候群(PICS)は,認知機能,運動機能,精神と,障害が多岐にわたる複雑な症候群である。PICSの予防,改善には,一般的な危険因子を取り除くことが推奨されている。その代表例がABCDEFGHバンドルである。ABCDEFGHバンドルの実施には,多職種が協働的にかかわる必要があり,その鍵となるのが,interprofessional collaboration (多職種連携)である。ただしこの多職種連携は,ただ単にさまざまな職種を集めればよいというわけではない。多職種で連携するためには,チームメンバーがともに目指す目標,協働を推進するためのベッドサイドでのデータ収集やフィードバック,多職種連携に関する正しい理解をするための教育やトレーニングなど,細やかなサポートが必要となる。また,ICUを退室したのちの施設間協働を促進するツールとして,functional reconciliationなどがある。
Main points
Postintensive care syndrome (PICS) is defined as impairments in cognition, psychological health, and physical function in survivors of the intensive care unit (ICU). While the etiology of PICS is complex and multifactorial, evidence over the past several decades suggests that there are several important, potentially modifiable risk factors, which may be reduced through early and reliable adoption of interprofessional, evidence-based ICU interventions. The ABCDEFGH bundle (Awaken the patient daily, Breathing, Coordination, Delirium monitoring and management, Early mobility and exercise, Family involvement / follow-up referrals / functional reconciliation, Good handoff communication, Handout materials on PICS and PICS-F) is a recommended interprofessional, multicomponent strategy to improve collaboration among medical staff, standardize ICU processes, and break the cycle of over-sedation and prolonged mechanical ventilation, which may precipitate delirium and ICU-acquired weakness. This bundle may reduce the incidence of PICS. Implementation of the ABCDEF bundle requires members of the healthcare team to collaborate and coordinate care activities. Timely, repetitive interprofessional ‘joint training' or ‘shared learning' at the bedside may improve collaboration. Real-time data collection and feedback to check bundle element performance are being proposed. This article reviews recent literature and practices implemented at individual facilities regarding a interprofessional approach for the prevention of PICS.

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