

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Studies on the Facilitation and Inhibition of the end-plate Transmission Torao Takeuchi 1 pp.39-49
Published Date 1961/2/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.2425906176
  • Abstract
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 Using a nerve muscle preparation (m. sartorius of a frog), the courses of muscular fatigue and recovery, so-called, "Ermüdungskurve of muscle", were investigated. The muscle placed in Sugi's "Insulation chamber" soaked with various test solutions was stimulated both directly or indirectly by means of a specially devised electronic stimulator.Experimental results are summarized as follows:

 1. By changing the stimulation (the frequency and duration of a series repetitive stimuli) and also by changing the duration of intervals (pause of stimulation), the development of fatigue as well as recovery in the "Ermüdungskurve" showed a characteristic type in each condition.

 2. According to the difference of the type of "Ermüdungskurve" in various conditions, it is suggested that so-called fatigue or recovery of muscular contraction is caused mainly by the facilitation or inhibition of the transmission at the end-plate region.

 3. The effect of acetylcholine (Ach) known as chemical transmitter, or lactic acid produced by muscular activity, on the end plate was tested, and the critical concentration of Ach and lactic acid were found to be 10-8% and 0.006% respectively. Namely. in both cases, neuromuscular facilitation was observed the concentration lower than the critical value, while the inhibition occurred at the higher concentration.

 4. From the abovementioned results, it is supposed that the metabolic products, such as Ach and lactic acid, play an important role in the mechanism of the end-plate transmission, and it may be assumed that the facilitation or the inhibition of end-plate transmission is merely due to the difference of concentration of the same metabolite. And the appearance of various types of "Ermüdungskurve"is regarded to be based on the balanc between the accumulation and dispersion of the metabolites accompanying both muscular and neuromuscular activities.

 5. Curare, an end-plate poison, has the same effect as Ach and lactic acid: i.e., curare causes the facilitation of end-plate transmission at the concentration lower than 10-6%. The inhibitory effect of curare on the end-plate, is only observed at the concentration higher than 10-6%.

 6. The other end-plate poisons, such as ethylalcohol and acetaldehyde, have the same effects on the end-plate: the critical concentration being 0.15%, 0.008% respectively.

 7.On the other hand, banthine, ablocking drug of sympathetic nerve, shows only inhibitory effect on the end-plate indicating that its effect is different from the other substances mentioned above.

 From above-mentioned results, it may be concluded that so-called "Ermüdungskurve" of muscle is mainly due to the fatigue or recovery of the end plate function, i.e., the inhibition or facilitation of end-plate transmission plays an important role in the "Ermüdungs-kurve".

 And it is also concluded reasonably, the end-plate mechanism is largely affected by the concentration of neuromusculrr metabolites.

Copyright © 1961, THE ICHIRO KANEHARA FOUNDATION. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1883-5503 印刷版ISSN 0370-9531 金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団


