

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Use of The Outcomes Model and Substruction as Heuristics for Graduate Students in a Nursing Research Methodology Course Junko Tashiro 1 1St. Luke's College of Nursing pp.403-409
Published Date 2000/10/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1681900738
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 Outcome or evaluative research in nursing is becoming significant recently because outcome or evaluation of nursing care provide evidences for our practice, thus outcome research is essential for nursing profession. Consequently, it is essential for graduate students to study on evaluative or outcome research as a nursing specialist or nursing researcher.

 Since Dr. Holzemer and Dr. Lindeman introduced “Evaluation Research” in 1989, Dr. Holzemer have been providing lectures regarding evaluative or outcome research for health care using two heuristics, the Outcomes Model for Health Care Research and Substruction, to our master as well as doctoral students. This article informs the objectives, contents, and process of the first half of this nursing research methodology course arranged and taught by the author and how students use the Outcomes Model for Health Care Research and Substruction as heuristics.

 Evaluative or outcome research is one of the highly controlled research design that need to be supported the knowledge body based on the number of descriptive and correlational studies. Therefore, by the time the graduate students study on outcome research, they have to have enough basic knowledge on nursing research especially quantitative approach including the concept of validity and reliability of research, research process, research designs and measurement issues in a nursing research methodology course.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1405 印刷版ISSN 0022-8370 医学書院


