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パーソナルコンピュータの急速な機能向上と普及に伴って,コンピュータ利用教育(Computer Assisted Instruction)が実用段階に入ってきた。中でもシミュレーション型のCAI教材は,看護学生の問題解決力を高めたいというニーズに応えるものとして,看護教育へのCAI導入期から大きな期待が寄せられてきた(田村,1982a)。ことに近年,マルチメディア技術の発展によって,従来のシミュレーション型CAI教材(真嶋,1995)にはなかった高い対話性や臨場感が実現できるようになっており,改めてその学習効果を検証することは意義あることだと考えられる。
A simulation-type CAI (computer-assisted instruction) learning program was developed with the goal of fostering a sense of continuity and connectivity between systematized academic knowledge of the nursing process and knowledge gained through practical clinical experience, and was subsequently evaluated for effectiveness. The CAI system uses a variety of media, such as video, to present students with a series of 'nursing situations' involving a simulated case. The student then uses the information presented to formulate nursing diagnoses and create a care plan for the case. The virtual patient's condition changes in response to the care plan, making it possible for students to assess a plan's effectiveness through observation of its results. This allows students to participate in self-directed, iterative learning.
Nursing students using the program reported increased desire to study, confirming the role of CAI course materials as effective motivators in the study of the nursing process. It was also found that students who had used the CAI program performed data analysis and data structuring better than the control group.
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