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19歳の黒人女性が,急性盲腸炎の処置のために大学病院に入院した.彼女の入院時専用血液検査室での検査結果は,次のとおりであった.白血球数12.3×103/μl(正常値7.8±3),赤血球数5.27×106/μl(正常値4.8±0.6),ヘモグロビン12.19/dl(正常値14.8±2),ヘマトクリット38.1%(正常値42±5),MCV 72.0fl(正常値90±9),MCH 23.0pg(正常値29±2),MCHC 31.4%(正常値34±2).赤血球塗抹標本の検討:中等度の小赤血球症及び異型赤血球増多症,まれに標的赤血球,楕円赤血球の中等度増加,時折,低色素性赤血球がみられた.ヘモグロビンの電気泳動が,その患者の一般的な検討の一端として依頼された.彼女は,この検討のための検体収集以前に輸血されたことはない.
A 19-year-old black female was admitted to the University Hospital for treatment of acute appendicitis. Her hematology admission laboratory*1 results were as follows : WBC 12.3×103/μl (Normal : 7.8±3) , RBC 5.27×106/μl (Normal : 4.8±0.6) , HGB 12.1g/dl (Normal : 14.8±2) , HCT 38.1% (Normal : 42±5) , MCV 72.0 fl (Normal : 90±9) , MCH 23.0 pg (Normal : 29±2) , MCHC 31.4% (Normal : 34±2). Red cell smear evaluation : Moderate microcytosis and poikilocytosis. Rare target cells, a moderate number of elliptocytes and occasional hypochromatic cells were noted. A hemoglobin electrophoresis was ordered as part of the patient's general evaluation. She had not been transfused prior to collection of the sample for this study.

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