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反復性多発軟骨炎(Relapsing Polychondritis,以下RP)は,全身の軟骨組織が系統的に炎症症状を呈していく予後不良の疾患である。臨床的には耳介軟骨炎,角膜炎,鞍鼻,気道症状,内耳症状など,多彩な症状を呈する。
Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is uncommon disease consisting of inflammation of the eyes, inner ear, cardiovascular system, and cartilaginous portions of the joints, respiratory tract, and external ear.
Two cases of RP were reported. Case 1 was a 49-year-old female who complained of the auricular deformity and stridor. X-ray of the larynxand the trachea showed the narrowing of the trachea below the vocal cords. Microscopic examination of the cartilage in tragus demonstrated typical RP patterns. Case 2 was a 31-year-old male who was diagnosed as having RP by auricular chondritis, conjunctivitis, and swelling and tenderness of the sterno-cleido-costal joints. Remarkable improvement by corticosteroid was seen in both cases.

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