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なかんずくstatic impedance,ティンパノメトリー,耳小骨筋反射の有用性はすでに多数の研究者によって証明され1〜7),臨床的に広く応用されている。
The efficacy of tympanometry, acoustic reflex testing and pure tone audiometry in assessment of conductive deafness with intact tympanic membrane in 18 patients was evaluated retrospectively. The preoperative diagnosis was compared with the postoperative diagnosis, and usefulness of the tests was evaluated. There were 15 cases of congenital and 3 cases of posttraumatic deafness.
Conductive hearing loss curves on puretone audiogram were classified into stiffness type, middle ear blockage type and the others. Tympanograms were classified according to jerger's classification into Type A, As, An and the others. Acoustic reflex tests were compared with each other, and divided into positive, low and negative reflex types.
Preoperative diagnosis of fixation or discontinuity of the ossicular chain was compared with the postoperative diagnosis. From the results obtained the following conclusions were obtained.
1. An air-bone gap of over 35 dB at 4,000 Hz is suggestive of ossicular discontinuity. Less than 35 dB A-B gap suggests ossicular fixation in congenital conductive deafness.
2. Tympanometry is also useful for the differentiations of fixation and discontinuity of the ossicular chain.
3. Comparison of ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic reflexes of the affected ear is some-times useful for determining the site of discontinuity of the ossicular chain.

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