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多発性,融合性,再発性を特徴とする口腔,喉頭の乳頭腫症を1960年Rockら1)がOral LaryngealFlorid Papillomatosis―口腔花菜状乳頭腫症―(OFPと略す)と命名して以来,本邦では主として皮膚科領域で症例報告がなされている。OFPは一般的に良性に経過することが多いが,最近は癌化症例も報告されている2〜6)。癌化例は組織学的には高分化な扁平上皮癌であり遠隔転移を起こさないとされてきたが,今回われわれはOFPより舌癌が発症し短期間で全身転移を認めた文献上本邦最初と思われる1症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する。
Since Rock et al named a multiple, proliferative papillomatosis in the oral and pharynx as "Oral Florid Papillomatosis" in 1960, several articles on OFP have been reported in our country mainly by dermatologists. Most of OFP took a benign course but recently a few cases which took malignant degeneration have been reported. In such cases, well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was common histologically, and OFP was believed not to metastasize. But we encountered a rare case of distal metastasis in a 54-year-old female. This paper is the 1 st report of malignant OFP in Japan.

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