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大胸筋myocutalleous flapは1978年Beak1)が報告して以来,頭頸部領域の一次的再建に広く用いられている。今回筆者らはこの大胸筋myocutaneous island flapを用いて頬部パラフィノームによる潰瘍を治療し,若干の知見を得たので報告する。
A case of paraffinoma due to injection of unknown material in the buccal region, resulting in an ulcer (3×2 cm) and atrophic skin (8×4 cm) of the cheek, is reported. The ulcer became wider than before, and there was a large induration around the cheek and the mandible. The use of a local flap to reconstruct the defect of the skin was impossible.
The ulcer, atrophic skin and foreign bodies were removed and the defect (8×4 cm) was reconstructed by the pectoralis major myocutaneous island flap. The authors' method, and the advantages of the pectoralis major island flap were presented.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.