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聴神経腫瘍(以下ATと略す)の術後に聴力が保存されるようになったのは,Houseら8,9)により早期診断と中頭蓋窩経由法(middle cranialfossa approach,以下MF法と略す)が積極的に行われるようになった最近約10年のことである。
1) Out of twenty-eight cases with acoustic tumors and a case with suspected facial neuroma, hearing was preserved in nine cases. In five out of nine cases, pre-operative hearing level was preserved, and in one case hearing was improved post-operatively. In three cases, hearing was spared but deteriorated comparing with pre-operative hearing level.
2) In four out of eight intracanalicular neuromas, pre-operative hearing level was preserved and in one case, hearing improved post-operatively.
3) In two cases with extradural neuroma, hearing was preserved.
4) Cases in which pre-operative hearing level was spared, were all operated on through the middle cranial fossa approach.
5) Three out of four cases in which pre-operative stapedius reflex (SR) decay was positive were became negative post-operatively. These cases included two extradural neuromas extending anteriorly from the internal auditory canal and a case with posterior fossa acoustic neuroma, in which pure tone hearing threshold was deteriorated. Therefore, SR decay test has a diagnostic value for detection of early tumor, because positive decay may be a sign sugessting the compression of tumor mass to the cochlear nerve.
6) In Recklinghausen's disease or acoustic tumor extending to the posterior fossa, hearing preservation is generally difficult.
7) In cerebellopontine angle tumor other than acoustic neuroma, on the other hand, hearing improvement was remarkable post-operatively compared with acoustic tumor.
8) To preserve hearing post-operatively, it is hoped that acoustic tumors should be found out in the early stage in which tumor is confined to the internal auditory canal, and middle cranial fossa approach will be applied.
Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.