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Perforation of the tympanic membrane caused by thermal injury seldom occurs, as the tympanic membrane is situated in the deep part of the auditory canal. Myringoplasty without mastoidectomy was performed to a nine-year-old boy and a five-year-old boy who had perforation of the tympanic membrane caused by scalding. By a few weeks later their perforations had completely closed, and their hearing recovered to the almost normal level. In performance of myringoplasty in such cases a wide vascular bed for transplantation of the temporal fascia must be provided, because scalding tends to induce cicatrization and undernourishment.
Through the literature and the author's experience were drawn the following conclusions : The treatment for perforation by scalding is different from the treatment for perforation by burns or welding sparks. As the perforation byburns is usually not infected, conservative treatment is effective, for example, a piece of steristrip can be used to close the perforation. However, for the perforation by scalding there is no other treatment than myringoplasty which should be done cautiously to avoid failure.
Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.