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鼻腔,外鼻の発生は胎生4週頃より顔面の中心にある口窩より始まる。また胎生3〜4カ月頃になるとすでに形成された鼻腔の一部より副鼻腔の形成が行なわれる。この口窩を中心とする諸原基の発育異常により,唇裂,口蓋裂をはじめとして種々の奇形を生ずるが,鼻の先天奇形は稀で,特に鼻のaplasiaによる奇形は非常に稀とされている。われわれは最近,一側の鼻の形成に関与する諸原基のaplasiaないしはhypoplasiaに起因する,いわゆるhalf noseの症例に遭遇し,これに対して美容的,機能的形成術を行ない,良い結果を得たので文献的考察を加え報告する。
Two cases of congenital absence of one half of the nose are reported.
Case 1. A boy, aged 15, was found to have a complete congenital absence of the left external nose with hyplasia of the nasal cavity and accessory sinuses. A V-shaped pedicle flap was raised from the cheek and was rolled upon itself to form the left ala and then, subcutaneous tissues and bone were removed deeply so as to reach the nasal cavity. This was found to be so narrow that an opening had to be constructed in the nasal septum in order to facilitate breathing through the constructed nare. Additional surgery was supplemented employing a rib graft.
Case 2 was a 12 years old girl with complete absence of the right external nose, nasal cavity and accessory sinuses. The external nose was reconstructed by employing fore head flap.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.