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喉頭蓋舌面の高度発赤腫脹を特徴とする疾患は従来,喉頭蓋膿瘍,Angina epiglottidea,Epiglottitis catarrhalis,喉頭蓋蜂窠熾炎などの名称で呼ばれていたが,1952年(昭和27年)後藤敏郎教授が臨床にかなう診断名としてEpiglottitisanteriorとつけられ症例報告された。著者らは昭和39〜41年の3年間に本症例9例を経験したのでその臨床観察成績を報告する。
A clinical entity involving the epiglottitis termed as epiglottitis anterior was reported by Goto in 1952. The authors collected 9 cases of this disease in the period of 3 years, from 1964 to 1966. The results of their observations are as follow:
1) The disease is marked by an acute inflammatory swelling of the anterior surface of the epiglottitis.
2) The invading organisms were gram-positive cocci, partcularly staphylococci.
3) The disease has a tendency to occur in winter-months.
4) And mostly among the middle-aged persons, rarely in the elderly.
5) The prognosis is good. It generally abates in about 10 days.

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