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蝸牛症状を欠く眩暈症例は意外に多い。かような症状を呈する疾患としてはメニエル病の初期,メニエル病の不全型,Epidemic vertigo,Vestibular neuronitismBenign paroxysmal positional nystagmusの一部,中枢性疾患の初期および軽症の場合等が挙げられる。蝸牛症状を欠く眩暈症例はこれ迄臨床的に余り問題とされずに敬遠されていた感があるのでこの機会にVestibular neuronitisおよびその類似疾患について従来の文献を整理し,併せて教室の蝸牛症状を欠く眩暈症例について検討してみた。
One hundred and five cases of vertigo without any hearing disturbances were selected from 1050 cases complaining of vertigo. These cases were observed and studied by eliciting among them nystagmus by various means such as, spontaneous, head-position, rotation, caloric and optic. These cases were found predominantly in young persons. No definite focal point was found. Nor was there any sign pointing to the central origin. From these findings it was believed that the causative factor of this trouble might be peripheral disturbance of vestibular nuclei including the peripheral vestibular organ.

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