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もし耳科医によつて本症の早期発見が容易となり,腫瘍が聴神経に限局している時期に手術を行ない得るならば,本症の治癒率を一層向上させることにもなろう。幸い,最近の聴力検査および前庭機能検査の進歩によつて,現在脳外科的検査をまたずともFowlerのBalance TestやE.N.G.による眼振の精査により,十分本症を疑い得るだけの資料を獲得し得るようになつた。
As an armamentarium for making an early diagnosis of acoustic tumor X-ray was em-ployed. A review is made of 24 cases of such tumors in whom the diagnosis was made in this way since 1954 which were also confir-med by later brain surgery. The two methods advanced by Stenvers and Towne were both employed in these examinations. Based upon studies with 35 skulls, it was noted that with Towne's method there was an individual difference with the angle at the X-ray expo-sure was made. Both methods were employed.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.